Someone once wrote that: "Of ten things that can go wrong with a house, 15 of them involve water." Today's problem involves plumbing. In the bottom left of this picture is where the water entered the cabin. While this was working, this would always freeze on us several times during the winter. After the cabin was moved out of, this finally broke. If you go around the corner to the right and pull out the washing machine, you come to Picture #2.
Embedded behind the stucco are the hot and cold water pipes. The water comes from the right and enters the cabin to the left. These faucets feed the washing machine. Hot is on the bottom and cold is on the top. When the pipes broke inside the cabin, the capped off the water with some plastic plumbing. This proved to be too close to the cold cabin and proceeded to freeze and break. I chipped away the stucco with a hammer and capped off the pipes with a metal plug and cap. I'll redo the stucco later. with the water on again, I checked all the faucets. They seem adequate for now, but the toilet has lots of problems. The float valve does not let water in the tank, the flapper does not keep water in the tank, and when flushed, the water doesn't go down very fast. It's going to need to be overhauled.
On the upside, the old hearth is removed and lights are hung with nails and wire coat hangers. It make for a passable computer room. another light hung in the bedroom, a couple rounds with the vacuum, and they are almost a home. I have the guts of a broken clock hung as art and I have more art behind the flat screen I'll hang later.
I'll need an internet connection before its officially a home though. Getting a WLAN to span 1000 feet will be an interesting trick.
I decided to leave the wires as is. The bare ones aren't live and the live ones haven't caught fire in the decade they have been there, so I'm not going to mess with them until I tear the place down.